Frequently Asked Questions


“The midwife considers the miracle of childbirth as normal and leaves it alone unless there's trouble.” - Sheila Stubbs

  • Many insurances will cover a significant portion of the fee. I am contracted with a billing service that will verify your insurance benefits, obtain any necessary referrals or authorizations, and request an in-network exception for out-of-network providers.

  • An out-of-hospital birth costs about half of a typical hospital birth. I offer a discounted cash price for those who do not have insurance or have insurance with a high deductible. Price will vary depending on travel to the desired birthplace. A $500 deposit is due upon agreeing to work together, and the balance must be paid in full by 36 weeks.

  • The cash price includes all prenatal and postpartum visits, labor, birth, basic routine labs, childbirth education classes, and a doula. The fee does not include Genetic screenings, ultrasounds, or birth center fees. Ultrasound fees may be covered by your insurance provider or maybe an out-of-pocket expenses.

  • The Midwifery Model of Care is based on the fact that pregnancy and birth are normal life processes. The Midwives Model of Care includes: Monitoring the physical, psychological, and social well-being of the mother; providing individualized education, counseling, and prenatal care; and minimizing technological interventions.

  • Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM) are educated in two disciplines: midwifery and nursing. The certified nurse-midwife scope encompasses a full range of primary health care services for women from adolescence to beyond menopause. These services include primary care; gynecologic and family planning services; preconception care; care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period; care of the normal newborn during the first 28 days of life; and treatment of male partners for sexually transmitted infections.

  • A Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) is the only credential requiring knowledge and experience in out-of-hospital settings. A CPM is a knowledgeable, skilled, and professional independent midwifery practitioner who has met the standards for certification set by the North American Registry of Midwives and is qualified to provide the Midwives Model of Care. Additionally, CPMs have basic training in holistic health modalities such as nutrition and herbs. CPMs work with women to promote a healthy pregnancy, birth, and postpartum through education and encouraging women to make informed decisions about their care.​

  • If you are healthy and committed to being healthy, you are a good candidate for an out-of-hospital birth. To have an out-of-hospital birth your pregnancy must remain low risk.

  • The best evidence available shows that a healthy person giving birth out of the hospital with a qualified provider is as safe as giving birth in the hospital. What is also known is that, in low-risk situations, there are fewer interventions with out-of-hospital birth, and the incidence of birth injury, physical & emotional trauma, infection, and cesarean section are reduced.

  • You can begin your care as soon as we agree to work together! At your first visit, we will meet to go over nutrition and supplements and order an ultrasound, if necessary. Statistics show that women who start early prenatal care have fewer complications and better outcomes.

  • Concurrent care is not necessary. I provide complete prenatal care and offer all the standard screening options.

  • Yes, you can have all your prenatal care and postpartum care with a midwife and then go to your hospital of choice for the delivery of the baby. You will be offered all the routine prenatal care and screenings. When labor starts, you walk into labor and delivery, and the OB on call will deliver the baby. Your records will be faxed to the hospital of choice at 37 weeks. If a higher level of care is needed during the prenatal or postpartum period, transfer of care will be facilitated.

  • Giving birth is an intense and challenging life event. While it can definitely be painful, most people’s relationship to pain can be greatly affected by the environment, so natural methods are encouraged: decreased lighting, showers, birthing tubs, massage, position changes, acupressure, and/or breathing techniques.

  • If complications develop during your pregnancy that are outside of my scope, you will be referred to an appropriate medical provider. Examples of this include developing pre-eclampsia, pre-term labor, and gestational diabetes that can not be regulated with dietary changes.

  • If there is a need to transfer, it will depend on the situation at the time. If it is a non-emergent transfer, you may go by car to the hospital of your choice. You will go by ambulance to the closest hospital if the transfer is emergent. The midwife will accompany you to the hospital and take the role of a doula.

  • Possible reasons for transfer include labor that is not progressing normally, elevated blood pressure, fever, fetal heart rate abnormalities, excessive bleeding, malpresentation (like breech), or poor infant transition after birth.

  • Many individuals choose to labor in a tub and some also give birth in water. We discuss the pros and cons of birthing in water during prenatal visits.

  • Yes. However, at this time, I can only accept clients who have a history of one cesarean.

  • I give you a list of items to purchase. These include things that are readily found in your home like towels and plastic bags.

  • I carry instruments and supplies for the birth, including the standard equipment for monitoring a woman and her baby's wellbeing, medications to stop bleeding, IV equipment, suture material, and local anesthetic. In addition, I am trained in resuscitation and life support and carry oxygen and resuscitation equipment. I also bring essential oils and homeopathic remedies.

  • Midwives specialize in normal, healthy newborns and provide regular care for the first 28 days of your baby's life. Your provider of choice will let you know when they would like to see the baby for the first time.

  • I will submit all the required paperwork and file for the birth certificate and social security card. When the social security card arrives in the mail, you can go to the vital statics office to pick up the birth certificate.